We've completed our newest Advanced Traffic Controller prototype and are looking for investors to assist in turning it into a production model.  The estimated retail cost of the production controller is less than $1000.00.  This is anywhere from a 3 to 20 times reduction in the cost of a controller.

CONTACT US if you are interested in investing or partnering in the creation of the production controller.

SCOPE 2.0 Prototype Controller

The SCOPE 2.0 prototype contains an NTCIP interface, a NEMA TS2 Type 1 Interface, a wireless tablet interface, a touchscreen GUI, an Intelligent Traffic Systems cabinet interface, and state of the art actuated traffic control algorithms.  There is no other traffic controller like it. 


The NTCIP libraries to a uCON controller.  They are up and running flawlessly on the Linux ARM based system.  However, the NTCIP interface calls have not yet been added to the third party traffic control software.

NTCIP can be easily added to ANY traffic control controller or device using these libraries no matter how old the hardware or software.  The interfaces  were originally written in Ada for Ada based traffic control software.  They have been translated from Ada to C and completely re-tested for interfacing C/C++ based controllers and devices.

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