We're building a small footprint traffic controller with touch screen, wireless phone/tablet, NTCIP, and GUI internet controller. It will cost a few hundred dollars and have SCOPE open source software running it. We're doing this in our spare time. Right now, we've ported SCOPE and the NTCIP libraries to a Raspberry PI 3.

Next Steps

1) Port the SCOPE Java based GUI to our 7 inch touch screen display.    COMPLETED 9/13/21
2) Add SDLC communication hardware for NEMA TS2 communication. The PowerPC prototype that we built used a very expensive custom interface supplied by a Taiwanese company to perform SDLC communication. We can replace this with inexpensive chips.
3) Mount the hardware in an 8 in. by 2 in. enclosure.

CONTACT US if you are interested in partnering or helping finish this effort.

Java Touch Screen GUI

Our Java based SCOPE GUI has been ported to our inexpensive touch screen hardware interface for our under $200 fully functional intersection traffic controller.  I added a pop-up keyboard.  SCOPE is now running dual-redundantly on the PI with the touchscreen interface.  

Next the SDLC interface hardware and enclosure will be added.  The software has already been proven using legacy hardware at live intersections.


The NTCIP libraries to a uCON controller.  They are up and running flawlessly on the Linux ARM based system.  However, the NTCIP interface calls have not yet been added to the third party traffic control software.

NTCIP can be easily added to ANY traffic control controller or device using these libraries no matter how old the hardware or software.  The interfaces  were originally written in Ada for Ada based traffic control software.  They have been translated from Ada to C and completely re-tested for interfacing C/C++ based controllers and devices.

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